Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 14

Today's lesson was painting trees. I let them vote on whether they wanted to paint trees or mountains. While the majority ruled trees, a lot of them actually took advantage of using both mediums in the painting like putting mountains in the background of their trees. I taught them to not draw a tree the way they would think to, not just two lines and a fluffy cloud like shape on the top (looking like broccoli as they said). I showed them how to make branches and make the leaves around the branches and how by doing that one simple change it makes the tree 100% more realistic than a cartoon tree. They all listened to what I said about that and it was amazing. They are so good about taking in everything I say in the lessons. I was so impressed with the progress they have all made as painters since the first project of the field of red flowers. I think there are three things that helped them progress 1) Practice, 2) being more comfortable as artists and with me and 3) they were all so excited to try their best and show me how they have gotten better. It is interesting how some of them take a very realistic approach and others take a more abstract view to the subjects. I think the biggest struggle with this lesson was they had to make brown for the tree trunk, I did not give them brown so they had to make their own. They all figured it out and I was glad that I did not give them brown because the colors they made were beautiful! I love their minds and here are some pictures of them working on their trees.

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