Day 8
Today I spent the morning with my third grade class. It was an unconventional time for me to be there opposed to me going in the afternoon and teaching them an art lesson. Instead I spent the morning helping them with science and math. One of my favorite things that Mr. Hubbard said to a struggling student was, "don't trust your classmates, trust your brain because you are so smart". I think that was a really powerful thing that he said to her. She was unsure of her answer and answered what the class was saying although they were wrong and in the midst of her confusion he took the moment to give her some simple words of encouragement. I think that is one of the most important parts of being an elementary teacher, or any teacher for that matter, patience and forgiveness. He could have yelled at her for not paying attention and made her stay in for recess instead he gave her some positive feedback which completely changed her personality for the rest of class. After he said that she was beyond attentive and helpful, contributing to the class. I am infatuated with these kids and I love spending time with them and helping them. I am so happy that I chose this project and I can't wait to give them another opportunities to show their beautiful imaginations through expression of art.
They are lucky to have you!