Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day 7

Today was another day of preparation and getting ready for my lessons. I talked with Mr. Hubbard about going in tomorrow as an additional day for work and to help him out. I am excited about being there and having them see me as someone other than the girl who comes and teaches them art and it will be fun. I have decided that for my next art lesson I am going to ask them to paint "A day at the beach" I will bring in my own examples of paintings I have done of the beach, and show them all different kinds of water that they can paint. I will need to bring in a lot of brown and blue paint but that will be exciting. I think that after this lesson I will give them an option of either doing one of my exercises again or if they want to do a free paint using all of the lessons I have taught them. I think that would be so interesting to see which ones really took from  my directions and the ones who didn't really change from the first painting. 


  1. Yay! A day at the beach sounds perfect.

  2. My Favorite place in the World is the Beach! Hope to see photos of the results!
