Friday, May 8, 2015

Day 5

Today was a great day. I got there a little early and I was able to help the third grade students with their spelling and writing assignments. I helped my friend Jeremiah write a story about a haunted house and he was so excited to share his ideas and thoughts with me it made my day! After a writing session, we transitioned into their art pieces. They continued to paint their field of red flowers. I was so excited when one of the little boys said "Molly! I have a great idea, I brought in some rubber bands that are glow in the dark and I wanted to put them on the canvas to make it look like stars." Although he didn't end up putting the elastics on the painting because it did not go along with the overall theme of the exercise, I was so happy that my lesson had the affect on him that he thought of it and remembered to bring the elastics to school. I was really happy that I could have that effect on him and that even more importantly he was thinking about art in his free time. I am so happy that this is my project and I can't wait for next week to do another piece with them and Mr. Hubbard and I talked about me going in for more hours and just helping out in the class. Here are some pictures of the kids and their final masterpieces!