Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Day 3

Today was a very productive day, I woke up early and went to Slocomb to get working on my supplies that I will be bringing over to the school. I cut the 20 pieces of canvas that I am bringing over and counted out 17 paint brushes and pallets. Next was to find the paint that I would supply the students with. I had to have enough and also enough for a 3rd grader's paintbrush opposed to my own. Finally I had all of my supplies together.

 I had an epiphany of what I was going to do with the students. I decided that I will write on the board a sentence that I want them to paint, then they will all have the same thing but I will be able to see their skill set and what I will be working with for the next 3 weeks. I am really excited to be with this group of kids and now that I have all of my supplies most of my worries are now gone. 

1 comment:

  1. You will have a great time with the kids, I am sure. So nice for them (and their teacher) to have someone like you come into their world!
