Saturday, May 16, 2015

Weekly Review

I could not be happier this week. I am really happy that the lessons that I have been teaching my art students are starting to stick with them. One of the boys in my class said that he often thought about art when I that really touched me. I am so happy that I could have the smallest impact on these kids whether it be them thinking more about art, giving them an outlet at the end of the day to express themselves after a hard day of work, or just being the person they can tell their hilariously adorable stories. I really think I have a bond with this class now which is why I am glad that I decided to pick one class and stick with them opposed to going and working with different classes every time. I think that 3rd Grade is such a great age, they are old enough to understand what I am saying and have their own thought process and ideas, however they are young enough to still think of me as an adult. I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I really love this class and I am so sad that senior project is 2/3 over... I really will miss these little guys.